Services Page
Our motto is, "Let WULVS protect your stuff with a snarling pack of crazed creatures!" and we sure mean it! Our staff is ready at all times to provide you with the services you need to protect your property, your valuables, and give you all the peace of mind that only moaning zombies and snarling werewolves can provide. Please review our list of available services below and find the one that best meats (oops….sorry), we mean meets your needs.
Service Name | Description |
Basic Overnight Security | We’ll provide you with one of our nighttime-only staff members to patrol and/or haunt your property between sunset and sunrise |
Round-The-Clock | Our nighttime only staff will see to your security requirements during the hours of darkness, and our daytime employees (AI the Alien, The Twins, Robbie the Robot) will be on duty during the day. |
Digital Demon ™ Online Security | Let Danielle and Daryl, our Digital Demons, make sure that you're online identity and all of your digital belongings are safe and sound! Ask about our special Smack On the Back of the Head service that will remind you not to say things you'll regret on social media. |
Hauntings | That pesky neighbor or annoying family member will change their ways after a few nights of haunting! You provide the message and we'll be sure they get it loud and clear! |
Spells and Potions | Sometimes a little direct action is better than waiting around for things to happen on their own! Let us prepare a potion that will speed things along! |
Our Band! | Our band is available during the hours of darkness to perform at your wedding, bar mitzvah, or funeral! |