The total score for roll 1 as 2.
The roll was double ones.
You rolled snake eyes!

The total score for roll 2 as 3.
The roll was a two.
You rolled a loose deuce!

The total score for roll 3 as 4.
The roll was a three.
You rolled an easy 4!

The total score for roll 4 as 5.
The roll was a four.
You rolled a fever five!

The total score for roll 5 as 6.
The roll was a five.
You rolled an easy 6!

The total score for roll 6 as 7.
The roll was a six.
You rolled a natural!

The total score for roll 7 as 3.
The roll was a one.
You rolled a loose deuce!

The total score for roll 8 as 4.
The roll was double twos.
You rolled an easy 4!

The total score for roll 9 as 5.
The roll was a three.
You rolled a fever five!

The total score for roll 10 as 6.
The roll was a four.
You rolled an easy 6!

The total score for roll 11 as 7.
The roll was a five.
You rolled a natural!

The total score for roll 12 as 8.
The roll was a six.
You rolled an easy 8!

The total score for roll 13 as 4.
The roll was a one.
You rolled an easy 4!

The total score for roll 14 as 5.
The roll was a two.
You rolled a fever five!

The total score for roll 15 as 6.
The roll was double threes.
You rolled an easy 6!

The total score for roll 16 as 7.
The roll was a four.
You rolled a natural!

The total score for roll 17 as 8.
The roll was a five.
You rolled an easy 8!

The total score for roll 18 as 9.
The roll was a six.
You rolled a nina!

The total score for roll 19 as 5.
The roll was a one.
You rolled a fever five!

The total score for roll 20 as 6.
The roll was a two.
You rolled an easy 6!

The total score for roll 21 as 7.
The roll was a three.
You rolled a natural!

The total score for roll 22 as 8.
The roll was double fours.
You rolled an easy 8!

The total score for roll 23 as 9.
The roll was a five.
You rolled a nina!

The total score for roll 24 as 10.
The roll was a six.
You rolled an easy 10!

The total score for roll 25 as 6.
The roll was a one.
You rolled an easy 6!

The total score for roll 26 as 7.
The roll was a two.
You rolled a natural!

The total score for roll 27 as 8.
The roll was a three.
You rolled an easy 8!

The total score for roll 28 as 9.
The roll was a four.
You rolled a nina!

The total score for roll 29 as 10.
The roll was double fives.
You rolled an easy 10!

The total score for roll 30 as 11.
The roll was a six.
You rolled a yo!

The total score for roll 31 as 7.
The roll was a one.
You rolled a natural!

The total score for roll 32 as 8.
The roll was a two.
You rolled an easy 8!

The total score for roll 33 as 9.
The roll was a three.
You rolled a nina!

The total score for roll 34 as 10.
The roll was a four.
You rolled an easy 10!

The total score for roll 35 as 11.
The roll was a five.
You rolled a yo!

The total score for roll 36 as 12.
The roll was double sixs.
You rolled boxcars!

Doubles occurred on 0 of the 36 rolls.

A combined value of 2 occurred 1 of 36 times.

A combined value of 3 occurred 2 of 36 times.

A combined value of 4 occurred 3 of 36 times.

A combined value of 5 occurred 4 of 36 times.

A combined value of 6 occurred 5 of 36 times.

A combined value of 7 occurred 6 of 36 times.

A combined value of 8 occurred 5 of 36 times.

A combined value of 9 occurred 4 of 36 times.

A combined value of 10 occurred 3 of 36 times.

A combined value of 11 occurred 2 of 36 times.

A combined value of 12 occurred 1 of 36 times.