Pitt County Pet Adoption
Website's Goals and Objective
- Primary goal: To protect our community's animals from cruelty and neglect,
and to house, care, place or provide humane resolution for animals in its care.
- Secondary goal:
- Reduce euthanasia of healthy animals
- Increase shelter live release rate
- Improve cooperation and relationships with municipalities
Website Objective:
- Social media tools for Pitt County Pet Adoption website you can like us on Facebook,
follow us on Twitter, and watch us on YouTube.
- The attractive and informative of the website to where you can explore around for a adopt dog or cat, and
maybe you lost your pet and maybe it might be at pitt county animal shether.
- Also have links on the website to see all of the pets listed on the Petango Page.
- For the vistiors we have a list of videos with information about adopted pet and tips on training.
Website Target Audiences:
- - 21 years old or older
- - Male and Female
- - Is single or married with kids or without kids
- - The device they use to acess the Pitt County Pet Adoption site is smartphone and computer
- - Social media audience members use is Facebook and Twitter and YouTube
- - Around the surrounding area in Greenville Nc
- - The audience members reasons for accessing the website to adopt a pet or look at articles about the animals
in the shelter and lost and found animals.
Target Audiences Wants, Needs, and Expectations
- The audience will expect current content, articles
- Yes they uses social media tools to look at article on animals and what kind of pets we have listed for adopt or missed, and also shared our article
- You the use different devices to access the Pitt County Pet Adoption website, and easy to use site navigation.
- They are experienced web users.
- The website is very unique, and professional looking site.
Identify the pages you initially plan to include at your website.
- It will have Home, Sudsidiary and Landing Pages
Website plan a list of value-added content that will help achieve your websites purpose ans satisfy target audience needs
- Too help achieve my website purpose and satisfy I will include in images, video, and downloadable media
- The possible source will be primary and secondary sources
Linear/tutorial, Webbed, or Hierachical Structures
- The best meet my website's purpose will be the Linear/tutorial website structure
Review the related chapter material on page length, content placement, and usability
Review the guidelines for user-based and user-controlled navigation systems, and then specify the individual
elements of a user-based and user-controlled navigation system for your website.
- For the user-controlled navigation system visitors can move around my website looking for pets for adoption, like search
for pets thats available.
- For the user-based navigation system visitors will use my website for general information about the pets and pets currently at
the animal shelter, and volunteering work at pitt county animal shelter.
Using what you have learned about wireframing, create a sketch or blueprint of thr layout of page elements. If possible, use
wireframing software
Define your website color scheme by using web design template or color matching software
- The color scheme I will be using is white and green.